green meadows near mountain under calm sky

Are you feeling physically ready for the season?

Hey there, Upland Rookies ready to show off those skills as a pheasant hunter! It’s time to whip ourselves into shape for those grasslands and hills. Here are my top 5 exercises to get you ready for the hunting season: Start now, if you haven’t yet! It will be worth it.

white clouds above grasslands and hill during golden hour
Photo by Brett Sayles on
person walking on the field

Hill Walking/Sprints: Charge up those hills like a pheasant-flushing ninja! Hill sprints build explosive leg power and stamina, just what you need to navigate those inclines. Of course, if that is a bit advanced for you, start with some walking up those hills and pace yourself!

a father and son planking

Planking: Hold that position like you’re waiting for the perfect shot. Planks strengthen your core, helping you maintain stability and balance while you hunt.

a shirtless young man doing a squat

Squats with a Twist: Pheasants are sneaky. So, practice squatting and twisting, mimicking those quick, elusive movements. You’ll be a master at it in no time! Wingshooting, you’ve got to be agile!

senior man doing sport exercises

Lunges: Give your legs some extra love. Lunges mimic the uneven terrain you’ll encounter, helping you move gracefully through the grasslands.

a man working out with a kettlebell

Shotgun Lifts (Just Kidding): Well, maybe not that one, but remember to exercise your arms and shoulders too. You’ll need them for those smooth shotgun swings! Dumbell or Kettle balls are a great alternative.

So, gear up, exercise up, and get ready to dominate those uplands this hunting season. We’re not hunting for a snack; we’re hunting for an adventure! 💪🦚 #PheasantFit #UplandRookieFit #HuntLikeAPro #GrasslandGladiators