The Upland Rookie Chronicles: From Zero to Upland Hero

Greetings, my fellow Upland Rookies! If you’re here it means you’ve somehow found this new website and my article. You got me on how this all works, I genuinely have no idea what I am doing. My wife and kids think I am crazy for embarking on this journey. 

About four years ago, I decided to try Upland Hunting with some friends who had invited me before. I was hesitant at first, but eventually agreed to go. Little did I know that I would become hooked. The story of how I got into this sport is as wild as a squirrel on caffeine – it’s all over the place! I’m just an average guy, not a writer, and definitely an Upland Rookie. So why am I sharing my newbie insights? Well, because even someone completely new to this sport can learn to love it. I want to share my experiences, whether they are mistakes or victories. I thought this would be a fun way to do it. You don’t need to follow any path but your own. Here is mine!

1: The Gear Obsession

When I first dipped my toes into upland hunting, I was like a kid in a candy store – except the candy was camo & blaze gear along with shotguns & shells. Oh, the gear! It’s not just about looking the part; it’s about feeling like an action hero in a gritty action movie. Sometimes, I think I am in a comedy though! 

From hunting vests with more pockets than your grandma’s quilt to fancy boots that make you walk like a diva down a runway, the gear is all part of the initiation. Just don’t forget to practice your best “I’m in the wilderness” face while you’re at it. And remember, it’s a sin to pass up a shiny new shotgun, but you can’t use the same excuse for your umpteenth blaze hat. Or can you? I’ve gone back and forth between the Semi and the OverUnder and to be honest, I think I just need to spend more time hitting clays. I can’t express how many times that one fun Pheasant, let’s call him “Maverick” buzzes the tower at like 20 ft from me and I can’t hit’em. Sometimes even the best gear, won’t get you the bird. I think my dog shakes his head and hates me when he sees that happen. You don’t need special gear to get out there and bag a few!

2: The Hound Dilemma

Now, let’s talk about bird dogs. Mine is a mutt with like 8 different breeds identified through one of those Embark DNA Tests. My buddies like to give me some heat about him, but he gets the job done. You don’t need a designer breed to find the birds. He is my furry, four-legged comedy sidekick on our hunting journey. 

It’s all fun and games until he flushes a bird right into your face (remember “Maverick”), and you’re left feeling like a shampoo model in a windstorm. But there’s something magical about the partnership between a rookie hunter and their dog. It’s a beautiful dance of commands, misunderstood signals, and moments of pure hilarity. Just remember to keep some dog treats handy. Those little furballs are just as obsessed with snack breaks as you are. It is a huge learning curve when you first start. How far do I let him get in front of me? Do I let him disappear into the grass? Do I buzz him on his e-collar? Is he chasing a bird, a rabbit, or a deer? Sometimes, I have no idea where he went and if he is looking for birds. But I can tell you, it is an amazing feeling and site when I see him get as they say “birdie”! I love that feeling almost as much as when I hit a bird. My pup seems to love it as much if not more than I do.

3: The Bird Dance

One of the best parts of upland hunting is the birds’ dance. If you’re thinking it involves putting on your best-feathered outfit and doing a jig, you might want to reconsider. Let’s remember the bird flushing part. Like hearing a turkey gobble in the woods, the cackle of a rooster in the distance gets the heart pumping. It’s like a surprise party, except you’re the one who’s startled, not the guest of honor. Picture this: you’re tiptoeing through the underbrush, and suddenly, a pheasant the size of a small dinosaur bursts out from under a bush. It’s like the upland prairie version of Whack-a-Mole, only you’re the mole. Duck, run, hide, laugh – the bird dance has it all! I have had a couple of near misses, “jump out of your skin” scenarios. I’ve almost literally stepped on a hen before. Had no idea she was in the grass at my feet and almost fell over when she shot out of there like Usain Bolt out of the blocks. Have fun, but of course, stay safe. Especially if you’re out there with some buddies. Get your heartbeat back in check and keep moving.

4: The Shot, or Not

Now, about taking the shot. You know it will be your moment of glory – a one-shot wonder. At least, that’s the theory. In reality, it’s more like a flurry of missed opportunities, a whirlwind of shotgun shells, and a pheasant that’s become an Olympic sprinter. Was it a hen or a rooster? If birds could talk, they’d be mocking us left and right. Ha ha, and in my case my pup has a few stories of disappointment.

But, here’s the kicker – you do hit the bird. Congratulations! Now, it’s time to channel your inner wilderness chef and whip up a meal that would make Gordon Ramsay proud. Or, you could hand it over to someone who knows what they’re doing and pretend you’re a master chef by association. It’s a win-win! I have a few favorites you can’t go wrong with like cutting into strips and frying up with some panko for tenders. Pheasant Burrito and tacos are a family favorite. Or wrapping around water chestnuts and then with bacon to name a few.

5: The Wild Camaraderie

Upland hunting isn’t just about chasing birds; it’s about building friendships that are as strong as the boots you’re wearing. It’s about shared stories and a beverage around a campfire, laughter echoing through the woods, and the unspoken camaraderie of being part of a community that reveres both nature and tradition.

And let’s not forget the hunting tales. They’re like fish stories but with feathers. Your first bird might not have a wingspan that spans half the forest, but in your stories, it’s a legendary creature that took a small army to catch. I am sure I just missed a rooster whose tail feathers were as long as a peacock’s! At least, that is what I tell the guys.

The Upland Rookie’s Takeaway

So, what’s the moral of this upland hunting story? It’s simple: embrace the adventure. Laugh at the misses, celebrate the hits, and remember that even the most seasoned hunters were rookies once. Don’t take yourself too seriously; this is nature’s playground, and you’re here to have a good time.

Sure, you might stumble, make a mess, and end up with more questions than answers, but isn’t that what makes it all so ridiculously entertaining? So gear up, get out there, and savor the hunt – feathers, follies, and all. As an upland rookie, you’re on the path to becoming a seasoned hunter hero, one hilarious adventure at a time. Happy hunting, my fellow rookies!